Liar liar…

She was a perfect liar. She lied for so many years and got things done. She lied  and got her dream job.

But when she went in search of love, she couldn’t find any. She had to shed the disguise of the perfect girl and be honest. But she was so neck deep in telling lies for many years that she couldn’t find dishonest love.

Oh, how much she wished she could have stopped when she told the first lie for a candy. Oh, how much she yearned to portray her character of a simple, honest girl whom she had lost on her way to success.

She just wanted to turn the wheel of life around and unlearn to learn. And she picked up the phone and called her bff to tell the story of stolen candy from her bff’s bag 30 years back. A new day had finally come.


We shall live together until death do us apart. But what if he is the one who would love to see you buried deep. It happened in the wee hours of Sunday morning when she opened her eyes and saw him with a pillow in his hand. She was clueless. And then the pillow came on her, he trying to smother her. She was in a state of shock. She tried to reach for her phone but she couldn’t find it. She fought like a warrior, managed to push him aside and ran out of the door. From the house where she had come as a bride twenty years back. It took her twenty years to see the demon in him. She ran out for her life, for freedom, fighting with her tears, leaving behind the old memories and someone who was once the very reason for her to live.

I am alive

Following her everywhere was his passion- passion filled with love. After that Black Friday, she hated him for the rest of her life. His passion turned him into a criminal. Was she a mere object for him whom he wanted to get so badly or was she his love? They say “Love is blind.”  They are wrong. That day his love for her didn’t hear her screams, those heart wrenching, painful screams that silenced her for 10 long years and her parents forever.


He kissed her and told her how much he loved her.

She and the kids were his life but little did she know that it was a quiet moment before the storm.

A storm that took her and the girls away.

A storm that killed his soul somewhere.


I looked at my body lying lifeless on the road.

Soul had detached from my body.

The ultimate bliss but oh it was painful.

And I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.

Feelings were fresh and alive burning the soul in a fire of regret and misery.

The Sachet

Last Sunday I saw them, flipping sugar sachets and reliving fifty years of love and togetherness.

Today he was sitting all alone, sipping the coffee silently with tear filled eyes.


”Her soul rose high

as she lay bruised

in the grave of her shattered dreams.  


This is not the end.                                      

this is a new beginning- the soul smiled.”

Are you going to die Mumma?

Yesterday I was sitting with my 7 year old in a coffee shop. I had been at home for two days in a row after a dental surgery so just wanted to go outside. She was having a chocolate shake and i was having a cappuccino. All this while I had been on the phone, talking to my dad. I didn’t realise that she was listening to our conversation. When I hang up the phone, she looked at me and asked,”Are you going to die mumma?” I looked at her with the same expressions and blurted,”No.” Then I asked her that why she asked this particular question. She said,” Oh you were telling Naanu about your surgery and i heard it. So the conversation was like this,” I had a dental cyst surgery more than a year back and I recovered from it fully. But this time after the surgery the doctor told me that initially there was only 60% chances of my survival even after the cyst surgery as the cyst was blocking the artery and facial nerves. But now he was relieved as the healing had been great and the cyst will not come back ever. “

It took me a while to think if I should tell all the details to my daughter or not. I sat with her and explained to her everything whatever had happened since the first surgery and all the consequences. She knew a bit but not the entire episode. She listened attentively and then when I finished telling her everything, she said to me,” Then this means that you are not going to die?” I smiled at her and said,”No.” She shook her hands and said,”Phew. That’s a relief.” I hugged her a bit tightly, feeling emotional and gave her a kiss. Then we walked towards the bus stop to go back home.

But this conversation made me lighter thinking that she is now old enough to have these kinds of discussions. Feeling a proud mum, I looked at her and a thought came,” Today’s girls are really made of steel.”

Should I get off the couch.

I don’t know what I would be writing today but just thought of putting my fingers to a better use. I have been thinking lately quite lot of things. There are things that give me utter joy, things that create a wave of sadness in me, things that motivate me and let me move forward. Amongst all the things, going to the gym is something that gives me immense happiness. Not just going to the gym, attending few classes as well. As a child, I always struggled with weight issue. And over here, I was not the plump one but as thin as a stick one. I was called names by people around me, especially the so called aunties who came to have a cup of tea with my mom but ended up telling her thousand ideas to use me as a guinea pig and make me look like a decent looking girl and not someone looking like malnourished. It was frustrating at that time and till today has been. The naming and shaming goes on for both sides. Someone who is fat and someone who is thin. The worst was yesterday a lady whom I met said to me,”Why do you have to go to gym. You don’t need any. If you do gyming, you would vanish.” I was about to tell her the F word but restrained myself. Why Indian women don’t understand that health is wealth. I am not telling you to go to the gym everyday or be a weight lifter. Though that’s one of my dreams. But at least go for a walk, jog, run, swim, dance or do anything you like in the form of physical exercise or else it would be difficult to move the body in old age. I remember once Akshay Kumar, the bollywood actor said in an interview,” Our body is like a temple. Lets worship it the way we worship God.” Ladies its time to get off the bed, wear the socks and shoes and head towards the door, definitely for a healthy and fit you.